X direction

英 [eks dəˈrekʃn] 美 [eks dəˈrekʃn]

网络  x方向; X轴方向



  1. Now what I want to find, actually, V is what are these two vectors, let's call them U and V, that correspond to moving a bit in the x direction or in the y direction?
  2. Let's decompose that in y and x direction.
  3. There is no acceleration in the y direction, only in x direction when it starts moving, and that's why we split it.
  4. And where we have this kind of a problem we will decompose it in two one-dimensional motions, one in the x direction and one in the y direction.
  5. Unit vectors are always pointing in the direction of the positive axis x in the x direction is this one.
  6. The object will not be accelerated and the frictional force is going to adjust along the x direction so that the acceleration indeed is zero.
  7. Which could be pointing not just along the x direction, but in general, in all directions.
  8. Now I can write down, in the x direction, Newton's Second Law.
  9. The inertia terms and those relating to conduction in the X direction were also negligible.
  10. So we have that du/ dx equals minus F, and I put the x there because-it's a one-dimensional problem& it is only in the x direction.
  11. The motion is only in the x-axis, along the x direction.
  12. These are the one-dimensional equations in x direction where there is no acceleration and the one-dimensional equations in the y direction where there is acceleration.
  13. And now I have to know how the object moves in the x direction as a function of time and how it behaves as a function of time in the y direction.
  14. That is because there is only an acceleration in the y direction but the motion in the y direction is completely independent of the x direction.
  15. Well, I'm going to decompose the tension into the y and into the x direction as we have done before.
  16. Look at the excursion that this object made from equilibrium in the x direction.
  17. So, in fact, what I'm measuring here by the slope of the slice is the partial in the x direction.
  18. Second* Newton's Second Law: ma this is the only force in the x direction.
  19. It's way smaller than the excursion in the x direction, provided that your angle is small.
  20. If you are here, for example, and you move in the x direction, well, you see, as you get to there from the left, the height first increases and then decreases.
  21. And that will decrease the speed& this component in the x direction.
  22. There is no acceleration in the x direction.
  23. So let's write down now Newton's Second Law in the x direction.
  24. Now I want to do the same in the x direction for time t.
  25. That's the same as, indeed, the partial derivatives in the x direction.
  26. We only deal with forces in the x direction that are of interest.
  27. This is the increasing y direction and this is the increasing x direction.
  28. I have here a spray paint can which is suspended between two springs, and I can oscillate it vertically, which is your x direction, like that.
  29. So that's the x direction.
  30. Ax which is the unit vector in the x direction, y plus Ay y roof Z plus Az Z roof.